Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dubai - A snapshot

The Big Picture

from the Big Picture

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Changing the World's Living Condition

Once in a decade, some ideas and people change the world's lifestyle significantly. One such idea/perspective is Enrique Penalosa. He is like Mohammed Yunus of Grameen Bank.

Quotes from his talk in Chennai.

0. “The single biggest difference between the infrastructure of an advanced nation and a backward nation is its footpaths, not its highways”
  1. Parking is not a constitutional right in any country ... It’s a private problem that should be solved in private spaces with private money.

  2. A bus lane will move 40,000 people per hour. One lane of cars will transport less than 2,000 people. Which is more efficient?

  3. Only 5 per cent of households in the city drive cars

  4. Look at the poorest African nations — they will all have some highway … But it is the quality of the footpath that determines the quality of life in a city

Just two days back, I was having with a chat with my neighbour while driving the narrow paths of Chennai City. My Neighbour said that many NRI people do not want return to India just because of the conditions of the city roads.

There is some effort in developing parks and other public places in Chennai. After a long time, statues that are pure artwork and other than Leaders are getting installed. If the enchroachments are removed and more concreted efforts are invested to develop the public properties of Indian Cities, Life in India would be much more better. I hope that our corporations' leaders get inspired by Enrique Penalosa.