Thursday, December 13, 2007

Violence in Indian Schools

It's an uncanny coincidence that some events that happen in US after sometimes repeat itself in India. When a space vehicle fails in US, the next space vehicle launch in India does the same. Once a Pilot crashed his aircraft during an air show in US. The same thing happened in India that too within a short time.

Now, here comes a shooting incident that reminds us of the US incidents. The Gurgaon School incident tells us that the cultural environment across the globe is getting very similar. Our Media Diet is the same across the world now. Here is another sad incident :

Recently two class eleven kids in small-town West Bengal killed themselves. Saurav Das of Bishnupur High School had declared undying love for Mahima Jalan. The girl rejected him. The boy treated his friends and asked them to remember how badly he was treated if anything were to happen to him. Then he went home to die. Less than a week ago when Mahima returned to school, her friends started questioning her right to live. She too then committed suicide.

The IndiaDaily author blames it on the criminal negligence of the parents -

"The mainstream media are churning out endless clichés like increased violence on the television, increased consumerism and the decline of general morality as causes for the violence in kids.

There is another much simpler explanation. William Golding, a long time school master who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, in his twentieth century classic Lord of the Flies, had written of children turning violent and cannibalistic when left to themselves. He debunked the myth of the innocent child. His contention was that aggression is so innate that without adult support kids revert to pre-human times of animal predatorial behavior. The two kids who killed Tyagi just followed their instincts. Civilization failed to affect them. How is that billions who are watching violent movies are not being affected and only these two got touched by evil? They most probably had the seeds of evil in themselves to begin with. All this talk about outside influences affecting them is secondary and irrelevant."

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